(941) 926-9463

Didier Champalou 2022 Vouvray


Loire Valley France
With the Classic, it is a fresh and fruity wine that expresses itself. The combination of freshness and delicate fragrances allows it to be served with grilled white fish and meats, shellfish, vegetable tians and Japanese dishes. Also, ideal for an aperitif.
Must be ordered.
Valid while supplies are available
Buy this one by the 12pk for $22.00 bottle

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Catherine and Didier Champalou both came from vigneron families, yet their mutual sense of independence prompted the couple to brave it on their own right after completing viticultural school in Saumur. Since starting the domaine in 1983, they have not only grown their business, but their label is one of the most highly-acclaimed in the appellation.


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